Wednesday, November 5, 2014

See what I did there?

After trying (and failing at) Weight Watchers multiple times, I've decided to give Yoli a shot.  If you don't already know, Yoli is a lifestyle change, diet-y way of life.  Instead of eating special foods or exercising like crazy, you follow a meal plan that includes protein days where you don't eat carbs and meal days where you introduce complex carbs, etc.  I'm sure I'm doing a horrible job describing it, so go to if you really want to know.  The explanation of Yoli isn't what I'm here for, people! :) I want to be able to track my weight/size changes over the next 30 days so here we go!!

(Really putting myself out there right now... )

My Current Stats

  • weight: 157.2
  • height: 5'6" (pretty sure this one isn't going to change!)
  • chest: 39"
  • hips: 40"
  • waist: 33"
  • thighs: 23"
  • arms: 11.5"

I'm NOT posting a picture right now because I only have the ones of me in shorts and a sports bra, so that's not happening.  Maybe I'll do that later... 

Today's Meals/Food Schedule

  • 5:30--3 Alkalete capsules and a Melon Passion
  • 7:15--Mint Chocolate shake, mmmm :) I popped this in the freezer for a little bit to make it more ice creamy but it had melted by the time I got to school
  • 9:15--4 ounces of cottage cheese
  • 11:15--greens with 3 ounces of chicken and Italian dressing
  • 2:00ish--2 ounces of almonds and another Melon Passion
  • 6:00 or whenever Brian gets home from work--another shake, maybe I'll try vanilla this time
  • Whenever I make it to bed--2 Pure capsules and 3 more Alkaletes

So far so good today.  I certainly don't feel hungry and I'm not missing my coffee (too much) yet.  No headache from caffeine/sugar withdrawal.  :) I do miss my morning popcorn with Lori but that's not a hunger thing so much as a routine thing.  

Wish me luck, or more accurately wish me self control! :)

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